Sunday, May 24, 2020

What Is an Order Hymenoptera

Hymenoptera means â€Å"membranous wings.† The third largest group in the class Insecta, this order includes ants, bees, wasps, horntails, and sawflies. Description Little hooks, called hamuli, join the forewings and the smaller hindwings of these insects together. Both pairs of wings work cooperatively during flight. Most Hymenoptera has chewing mouthparts. Bees are the exception, with modified mouthparts and a proboscis for siphoning nectar. Hymenopteran antennae are bent like an elbow or knee, and they have compound eyes. An ovipositor on the end of the abdomen allows the female to deposit eggs in host plants or insects. Some bees and wasps use a stinger, which is actually a modified ovipositor, to defend themselves when threatened. Females develop from fertilized eggs, and males develop from unfertilized eggs. Insects in this order undergo complete metamorphosis. Two suborders divide the members of the order Hymenoptera. The suborder Apocrita includes ants, bees, and wasps. These insects have a narrow junction between the thorax and the abdomen, sometimes called the â€Å"wasp waist.† Entomologists group sawflies and horntails, which lack this characteristic, in the suborder Symphyta. Habitat and Distribution Hymenopteran insects live throughout the world, with the exception of Antartica. Like most animals, their distribution is often dependent on their food supply. For example, bees pollinate flowers and require habitats with flowering plants. Major Families in the Order Apidae – honeybees and bumblebeesBraconidae – parasitic wasps (parasites of butterfly and moth larvae)Cynipidae – gall waspsFormicidae – antsScoliidae - scoliid wasps (prey on beetle larvae)Vespidae – hornets and yellow jackets Families and Genera of Interest Genus Trypoxylon, the mud dauber wasps, are solitary wasps that collect and mold mud to form a nest.Sweat bees, the family Halictidae, are attracted to perspiration.Larvae of the family Pamphiliidae use silk to roll leaves into tubes or make webs; these sawflies are called leaf rollers or web spinners.Leaf-cutter ants of the genus Atta consume more Amazon rainforest vegetation than any other animal. Sources Hymenoptera - Dept. of Entomology, North Carolina State UniversityHymenoptera - University of California Museum of PaleontologyHymenoptera - University of Minnesota Department of Entomology

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Post-Traumatic Stress In Relation To Holden Caulfield Essay

Post-Traumatic Stress In Relation To Holden Caulfield Introduction nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Throughout life, an individual may endure emotionally and physically straining moments causing the person to become downhearted, and or irate. These feelings are normal, but may however become a problem when these feelings prohibit someone from living a ‘normal’ life. An estimated 5.2 million American adults ages 18 to 54, or approximately 3.6 percent of people in this age group in a given year, have PTSD (Narrow, Rae, Regier). This purpose of this report is to prove whether or not Holden Caulfield, the main character of J.D. Salingers’s book The Catcher In The Rye, is depressed. What Is A Depressive Disorder? Depression is a serious†¦show more content†¦Another significant factor in Holden’s life was the suicide of James Castle, a schoolmate form Elkton Hills. This is shown when Holden returns home and is conversing with Phoebe in her bedroom. Phoebe asks Holden to name one thing that he really likes. At that moment all Holden can think of is about two nuns he met at the train station and James Castle, â€Å"The funny part is, I hardly even know James Castle†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (171). Holden kept replaying the incident just before James died. James â€Å"was a skinny little weak –looking guy, with wrists about as big as pencils (170). Holden remembers â€Å"James [calling Phil Stabile] a very conceited guy, and some of Stabile’s lousy friends went and squealed on him to Stabile† (170). Stabile returned with about six other friends to try to get James to take back what he said but he would not take it back. Holden the recalls â€Å"what he did, instead of taking back what he said he said, he jumped out the window† (170). Holden is going through a really difficult time in his life right now and he is trying to cope with the situations the best way that he knows how. Symptoms of a Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Many people with PTSD repeatedly re-experience the ordeal in the form of flashback episodes, memories, nightmares, or frightening thoughts, especially when they are exposed to events or objects reminiscent of the trauma. Anniversaries of the event can also trigger symptoms. People with PTSD alsoShow MoreRelatedPost-Traumatic Stress in Relation to Holden Caulfield1181 Words   |  5 PagesPost-Traumatic Stress In Relation To Holden Caulfield Introduction Throughout life, an individual may endure emotionally and physically straining moments causing the person to become downhearted, and or irate. These feelings are normal, but may however become a problem when these feelings prohibit someone from living a ‘normal life. An estimated 5.2 million American adults ages 18 to 54, or approximately 3.6 percent of people in this age group in a given year, have PTSD (Narrow, Rae, Regier)Read MoreHolden Caulfield Is On His Own Psychological Journey1450 Words   |  6 PagesThroughout the novel of Catcher in the Rye, Holden Caulfield is on his own psychological journey. This journey tells a lot about who Holden is as a person and the problems he is dealing with. It all starts when Holden has flunked out of Pencey Prep. His psychological struggles are triggered by the traumatic event of his brother, Allie, dying 4 years prior. The death of Allie has affected Holden in all aspects of his life, including friends, school, actions, and thought s. This causes concern in Holden’sRead MorePsychoanalytic Theory Vs. Salinger s The Catcher s The Rye 1205 Words   |  5 Pagesunderstanding the demeanor of Holden Caulfield, a young boy who is lost in his own world of isolation and adolescence, in J.D. Salinger s famous narrative. The Catcher in the Rye. Using first person to display behavioral actions with phrases such as, â€Å"...I’m not going to be a goddam surgeon or a violinist or anything anyway† (Salinger 39), Sanglier helps portray Holden s depression as he suffers from the loss of his younger brother Allie. Likewise many aspects of Holden s behaviors to the story canRead MoreEssay on Psychoanalysis of Holden Caulfield2159 Words   |  9 Pagesbehavior and stress in an individual. Holden Caulfield, from J.D. Salinger’s, 1948 novel, The Catcher in the Rye has been psychoanalyzed by many readers. Psychoanalysis is insightfully looking at a characters action and behavior to better understand t hem psychologically. By psychoanalyzing Holden Caulfield’s behavior and thoughts, it becomes evident that he has Borderline Personality Disorder caused by his childhood trauma and neglect, and portrayed through symptoms that damage his relations and himselfRead MoreFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words   |  1056 PagesPERFORMANCE Establishing the Performance Management System 230 Establishing Rewards and Pay Plans 260 Employee Benefits 286 Ensuring a Safe and Healthy Work Environment 312 PART 6 Chapter 14 LABOR–MANAGEMENT ENVIRONMENTS Understanding Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining 340 Endnotes 367 Glossary 389 Company Index 395 Subject Index 398 v Contents PART 1 UNDERSTANDING HRM Chapter 1 The Dynamic Environment of HRM 2 Learning Outcomes 2 Introduction 4 5 Understanding Cultural Environments

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

To what extent did Fascist governments rely on fear to stay in power 1933 †1939 Free Essays

On January 30th 1933, Hitler was appointed chancellor of Germany. By the mid 1930’s he was almost in complete control of Germany and had created a one-party state. The Nazis maintained power from 1933-1939 not only because of fear but because of a combination of reasons. We will write a custom essay sample on To what extent did Fascist governments rely on fear to stay in power 1933 – 1939? or any similar topic only for you Order Now Their consolidation of power played a vital role as did their large lack of opposition and also their popular policies that appealed to a wide band of Germans. After being appointed chancellor of Germany, Hitler found himself in a very weak position. Out of the twelve ministers in the cabinet only two were members of the Nazis. Also, the Nazis did not control a majority of the Reichstag; they had only gained 33% in the November 1932 elections. And finally, President Hindenburg who had appointed Hitler as Chancellor could dismiss him at any time. The Nazis relied on terror considerably to maintain their regime. The Gestapo were the official secret police of Germany; they were in charge of denunciations. They taught German citizens to spy on their neighbours and report anything that seemed â€Å"unusual†. The Gestapo would act even if there was no valid evidence. They could arrest anyone they wished and even send them to concentration camps. This made many Germans fear the Gestapo. The SS were a protective squadron for the Nazis. They were able to keep â€Å"special prisoners† under â€Å"protective custody†. Thousands of Germans were sent to concentration camps. The SS also acted as prison officers at concentration camps, effectively running them. The SS were used to take charge of the programme of genocide against the Jews. Throughout Germany, many people were afraid that the persecution of the Jews would happen to them. Jewish shops were boycotted, Jews were barred from teaching and following the Nuremburg Laws in 1935, Jews were no longer counted as German citizens. The public now knew how Nazis dealt with â€Å"problems†. Overall, the Nazis created a large atmosphere of fear throughout Germany; this helped them to stay in power as Germans stuck to the rules through fear of punishment and also fear of the general public spying on them. However, there were other reasons for the control of Germans, one of which was the establishment of a Dictatorship. From the very beginning of the regime the Nazis consolidated their power. Less than a month after Hitler’s appointment the Reichstag fire took place. On the 27th February 1933, the Reichstag head quarters were burnt down. A Dutch communist called Marinus Van Der Lubbe was given the blame. Hitler exploited this event, claiming it was a communist conspiracy against the state and it was the start of the communist revolution. After this the Decree for the Protection of the People and the State was passed. President Hindenburg believed Hitler’s claims of the communist revolution beginning and signed the decree. There were four main terms, the first was to arrest the enemies of the state, the second was to suspend the rights of free speech and assembly, the third was censorship and the final term was the right of the Chancellors to take over the powers of the state in emergencies. The March election of 1933 was neither fair nor free and was also illegal by the standards of parliamentary democracy. The Nazis gained 43. 9% and won 233 seats, this was mainly because the SPD and KPD were banned from participating. Also in March of 1933 the Enabling Act was passed. This gave Hitler the right to act without reference to the Reichstag. Hitler proposed he should be allowed to govern alone for 4 years. This was the first step to Hitler becoming a dictator. In July 1933, Hitler passed a law creating a one party state with the Nazis as the only party in the Reichstag. Ernst Rohm, the leader of the SA was seen as a large threat to Hitler as he had plans to unite the SA and the German army. However, Hitler wanted to keep the army loyal to him and was fearful that Rohm would overthrow him if his plan went ahead. Thus he decided to purge the SA this was called the Night of the Long Knives. The SS shot approximately 400 people, yet only admitted to 77. One of those murdered was Ernst Rohm. This further consolidated Hitler’s power and kept the army on his side. In August 1934, President Hindenburg died. Hitler declined the role of President, claiming it would always be associated with the Great War hero Hindenburg. Hitler decided to be known as Fuhrer. By doing this, Hitler avoided limitations on his power by a constitution. Thus, almost two years after being appointed chancellor, Hitler was now Fuhrer of a one-party state, with virtually unlimited political power. This consolidation of power contributed largely to the Nazis staying in power as Hitler was now seen a strong leader, this gained a lot of support. After becoming Fuhrer, Hitler took control of all state and national institutions. This process was known as the Gleichschaltung (Co-ordination). In May 1933, trade unions were banned and replaced by the Nazi Labour Front. In addition, they banned strikes and if anybody opposed they would be dealt with. The Nazis purged the Civil Service and the Police of any opposition; everyone was replaced with loyal Nazis. Furthermore, The German courts were now under political control and had no independence. The Education and Youth organisations provided by the Nazis were regarded as critical. The Hitler youth was created as Hitler wanted the children to continue his supposed 1000 year Reich. All anti-Nazis were fired and all remaining teachers had to join the Nazi teachers’ league. Finally, the Catholic Church signed a â€Å"concordat† with the Nazis in June 1933. They agreed that the church would recognise the Nazi regime and the Nazis would not interfere with the churches beliefs and teachings. Overall, the process of Gleichschaltung further consolidated Hitler’s power over Germany because he now controlled all of the organisations and institutions. This contributed towards the Nazis staying in power and shows that fear was not the only reason. The Nazis regime existed and was maintained not solely through dictatorship and terror. Many of the Nazis’ policies were popular throughout Germany and the regime had a large amount of genuine support from many German people. †¦. WRITE SOMETHING HERE!! Hitler faced no real opposition, this was due to many different reasons. Organised opposition to the Nazis became almost impossible after the one-party state was created. Many Germans were happy to accept Hitler’s rule and so there did not oppose as they provided a strong government. Nazi propaganda was extremely effective, the Nazis created the cult of Hitler, this emphasised the superiority of the Germans over other races. Finally, the protestant and catholic churches did not oppose the Nazis mainly because the Nazis had crushed the communists and they did not want to suffer the same fate. Almost all opposition had been demolished; this helped the Nazis stay in power as it prevented anyone from opposing and gave them no rivalry. There is no denying that fear played a central role in Hitler’s maintain of power. The consolidation of power and the nazification process created a state which eliminated all possible opposition. The period of 1933-1939 was seen as a success for most Germans; Hitler was seen as responsible for restoring Germany’s pride and had dealt with problems holding Germany down. By 1939, Hitler’s popularity had increased and most Germans eagerly accepted Hitler, this was mainly due to fear but also due to the way Hitler had restored Germany and brought back respect. How to cite To what extent did Fascist governments rely on fear to stay in power 1933 – 1939?, Papers

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Hungry games free essay sample

When we all got our new semester schedules, my friends and I couldn’t wait to see what off hours we had together. I was so angry when we discovered I was the only one that had fourth hour lunch! I was not going to let that keep me away from my friends though; I had already mastered my ditching skills.I did not go to my sixth hour for over a quarter, and my friends would take turns ditching their fourth hour to come to lunch with me. We didn’t care at all; we never got caught, so we were all good. Then, one Monday morning I received a letter that if I did not attend to my sixth hour I was going to have to go to Saturday school. So I sucked it up, went to class that day and missed out on all the fun. I went to my sixth hour class every day from that day on. We will write a custom essay sample on Hungry games or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page One horrible day, the most unpredictable thing happened. I got in a really bad fight with one of my friends during sixth hour lunch. I was too mad to go to my seventh hour class, and I had my 8th hour off, so I decided to go to the â€Å"pana† the â€Å"ditching spot†, until it was time for my mom to pick me up. My best friend came with me and she automatically cheered me up and convinced me to go make up with my friend. We waited for her outside of her class, we only had 20 minutes left of school. We were messing around in the hall, and then I started playing with the fire alarm. I was only taking the dust off of the fire alarm, when out of no where the fire alarm started going off!My friend and I ran out the doors and I called my mom to pick me up. I told her everything that had happened and she wanted me to go tell the office that it had been an accident, but I was too scared and I told her I just wanted to go home.The next day I arrived to school, hands sweaty, shaky and cold. I was so nervous. Right away, I was sent to the office. When I got there my friend was already there. We told the principal everything in detail. She was happy we confessed right away, but we were still suspended for four days and had to pay 50 dollars.When my mom came to the office to pick me up, she was angry. A nice man named Mr. Sena tried to convince my mom that I was a really good student, but little did he know. When we walked into his office, I was terrified. He went to his computer, â€Å"Mire senora†¦Ã¢â‚¬  he paused, â€Å"oh no, here it comes!† I thought as I tried to shrink into the chair and disappear. â€Å"Oh, oh, aqui tenemos algo malo. † Mr. Sena said and pointed at his screen and my mom and him read. They saw all my missing classes, my horrible attendance and my bad grades.My mom didn’t say a word to me until we got to the car. I was so scared and I started to regret all the bad decisions I had made. She yelled and told me how disappointed she was in many different ways. I got home crying to my room. That afternoon my parents talked to me, very serious, very calmly. They told I was moving to a different school for my sophomore year, and that I needed to find something to do over the summer because I wasn’t going to stay home, or go out with my friends all the time.That summer I volunteered at the North Suburban Hospital. I was the sunshine cart girl, meaning I pushed this cart full of free goodies and offered them to the patients. I loved it, it was very fun and I got to cheer patients up. The elderly people were the nicest; they would tell me all sorts of stories from when they were young or how they got to the hospital. Many of them told me how much they appreciated young people like me. They made me feel so good about what I was doing, that I always looked forward to going to the hospital.When the summer ended I started my sophomore year at a completely new school, a very strict, small school, York International. It was all so different to me, I had to wear a uniform, we all had the same lunch and it was completely pointless to ditch. I missed my friends, and my old school and I cried every day after school, but I knew that it was what was best for me.I made great friends and my grades started to get a lot better. I stilled missed my other friends, but I got to see them every other weekend so I was doing better. Getting used to the school took pretty much the whole year, but I continue attending York International. My family is always supporting me, my parents corrected me when I was wrong, and they did it with love. My older sister always tells me to do well in school and get a scholarship. My goal is to own my own catering business, but first I want to attend to Johnson and Whales college. Now, after going through all that, I’ve learned that even when you hit the bottom, you can still rise up and keep going.